The Director Azlarabe Alaoui Lamhazri is preparing to start filming his road movie “Afriblanca”. A film that questions memory and seeks to heal the African wound. The artist talks about it in this interview with Le360.
The filmmaker Azelarab Alaoui Lamhazri has several strings to his bow. In addition to being a director and screenwriter, he is also a film critic. From his multiple knowledge and his know-how, he draws the essence of all the films he imagines and directs.
The one who is preparing to start shooting his next feature film Afriblanca likes to question the memory of peoples, to question history. His hobby is to heal wounds through memory.
“To be authentic, you have to rely on a real memory,” he says, the whole thing being to know how to present this memory and preserve it. It is in this same spirit, faithful to this way of doing things, convinced of the importance of the work of memory that Azelarab Alaoui intends to direct his next film.
“This feature film evokes the depths of Africa and will be shot in Senegal, Mauritania and Morocco”, declares the artist before continuing, “This road movie, which begins in Senegal, then lands in Mauritania before moving on. arriving in Errachidia, Fez and Tangier is a glimpse of the African wound that bleeds along the way”. Azelarab Alaoui summarizes that his film is the story between a mother and her son who suffer from African fable and ignorance. The shooting date has not yet been announced.
The filmmaker already has three feature films and three short films he has made between 2005 and 2018. His last opus, signed in 2018 is called We, in prisons.
By Le360